I'll begin posting my weekly layout pictures soon but I wanted to get this weekend's photos up because it was a big lead in to the holiday weekend for our son.
Friday, May 22, 2009 -

Night at the Museum 2 - Battle of the Smithsonian.
After watching the 1st Night at the Museum 'again' the night before, we took The Red Ranger to see the brand new movie on opening day. But, first Daddy came home with the new Happy Meal toys from the movie....Dum Dum, Rexy and Larry with the Octopus.
Loved the movie, perfect summer movie!
Our tickets are in the picture, along with the newspaper ad and the two books that we purchased after the movie, based on the movie. I love theme days like this one......
Saturday, May 23, 2009 -
Chicklet, the smallest cat in the house:

I don't know? Does she look comfortable?
Sunday, May 24, 2009 -
Sad thing about working in the service industry is that my poor hubby doesn't get the big holiday weekend off.....except for his usual Sunday (Yes, he had to work on Monday as well).
So, we went and did one of his favorite things and trolled around the Berlin Outdoor Auction/Flea Market here in NJ. These are our findings this time around.....

12 pk. of socks for The Red Ranger for $6 and ALL of the books were free!
Just left behind after the sellers left for the day, most of them are for our homeschool work.
Memorial Day - Monday, May 25, 2009 -

One of our decorations outside. Very simple thing to do to show respect and to honor those that give their lives for our freedom.
Freedom isn't free after all......although it should be......